Thursday, November 6, 2014

33 weeks, 3 days...

Dear Matthew,
I'm blown away by how little time is left until we meet you. Six weeks, four days until you're due; five weeks, four days until you're likely to arrive. Calling us ready at this point would overstate it; but we aren't that far off. My nesting to do list is really all that's left, and getting your car seat. In the last couple of days I've had a bit more energy, which I've really needed. I have some of the usual pregnancy complaints, but I'm really feeling okay. I do complain a lot. Your dad has been incredibly sweet about it, though. He just pets my belly and tells me how excited he is that I'm incubating you :-). 

I'm continuing to enjoy  getting to know you through your rolling, pokes, kicks, and dancing. You're still more active than your brother was by this point. Your dad's mom says that's how your dad was in utero. Always, always moving! I don't know how I was in utero, but that's how I usually am now (when I'm not pregnant). 

I try to also be still and be present with you, to get to know you through emotional and spiritual connection. It is impossible, of course, to know how much of what I sense is accurate and how much my brain interferes, but I sense a warrior's spirit in you. I sense in you tremendous enthusiasm and energy, as well as resilience, passion, and courage. I feel your strong-will and big heart. I could be wrong, but that's what I'm getting when I meditate and am most able to be really still.

Whether I'm describing you accurately or not is not important. What matters is that we are connecting as well as we can for now and that you will be here soon. I'm ready for you. We all are. We can't wait to meet you, beloved boy!

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